Week one of "Live On Scream" has come to an end, and as such, here is the list of what was played! Below the list are links to every track that was played on Bandcamp (if possible). consider purchasing them on Bandcamp!
VVOV - God
Mega Drive - Gun Hag
Vampire Step-Dad - Seabreeze
The Warhorse - Yeah Ok Ozymandias
Street Cleaner - Garbage Day
Lazerpunk - Lambo Nero (Feat. Machabray)
Cat Temper - Purranoid
Frisky Monkey - Crystal Blue (Electric Runner Remix)
Alpha Chrome Yayo - The Mirror
MacReady - Sunset On Mt. Fuji (Feat. Watch Out For Snakes)
Gregorio Franco - Bane Of The Empire (Final Fantasy VI)
Glitbiter - Follower (Demo)
Xennon - A New Enemy
Acid Gambit - Arrival
GosT - Ascension
Fixions - Killing Pool
WraithWalker - Cyclical Self-Abuse
SurgeryHead - Fallen One
Jay Tholen - Formations (Basidia)
TerrorDyne - The Reckoning
Blood Beat - The Blood Beat
Perturbator - Angel Dust
ToyTree - Black Canyon
Occams Laser - Naked
Tommy '86 - Sequential Slavery (Feat. Dan Terminus)
Unholy Rat King - One Day We'll All Be Dead and None Of This Will Matter
Glitbiter's track is exclusive to the "Outrun The Sun: Official Festival Compilation" Cassette Tape.
TerrorDyne's track is unreleased as of this set.